Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions of use for customers
Scope of application
These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to the contractual relationship between Escort-Plus, respectively Digital Life Network SA, domiciled at route de Saint-Cergue 295, 1260 Nyon (customer@digital-life-network.com), and its contractual partner, i.e. the Customer.
General age-related access restrictions and confidentiality of user data
Our website is forbidden to anyone under the age of 18 or under the age of majority according to the law of their place of residence. This access restriction is general and absolute. It extends to the creation of customer accounts, as well as to the simple use of or access to the site.
The customer undertakes to keep confidential all his authentication information (‘login’), in particular his user name and password.
The client undertakes to Escort-Plus to take all necessary measures to prevent access to the site or to the user account by minors, in accordance with the legislation of the country in which the site is accessible. In this respect, the use of protective measures such as parental control is recommended.
Acceptance of these terms and conditions
Access to and use of this site implies full and unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (GTCU) and the Privacy Policy. By clicking on the accept button, customers confirm that they have read and understood these documents in full.
The process of accepting these General Terms and Conditions cannot take place until the customer has confirmed that they have read these General Terms and Conditions in full and have accepted and understood all of their content.
Advertiser: Natural person carrying on a commercial escort activity (i.e. the model) on their own account and at their own risk.
GCU: General Terms and Conditions of Use
Pop-up: Additional, secondary window displayed on top of the main browser window when browsing the platform.
Login: Personal and confidential alphanumeric code to be entered by the user in order to access the platform.
Model: Natural person offering services via the Escort-Plus platform.
Platform: Space dedicated to the advertisements and publications of advertisers.
Third party: Any natural or legal person, public authority, service or organisation other than the person concerned by the processing of personal data or the data controller, as well as their employees.
Verification of models' profiles and status
Escort-Plus' commitment is limited to providing the user with a platform, i.e. a space for publishing one or more advertisements, under the sole responsibility of the models.
The user undertakes to take all the necessary steps at all times to enable his/her profile to be verified and authenticated.
Intellectual property rights
These GCU do not imply any right of use, licence or any other equivalent right for the benefit of one party over the rights of the other party. In particular, the brands, titles, names, logos, photos, texts, drawings and all other elements (in particular the name Escort-Plus as well as all the functionalities it offers, for example boosts or virtual gifts) remain the exclusive property of Escort-Plus.
The reproduction, even partial, of any of the elements of the Escort-Plus site, in particular its typographical elements, is prohibited, unless prior agreement has been given in writing.
The image rights and literary and/or artistic property rights of the models remain exclusively the property of the models themselves. For this reason, the customer also undertakes not to take photographs, film or record the models in any way whatsoever. They also undertake not to copy, film, record, download, share or broadcast in any way whatsoever the content shared by the models without their express consent. In all cases, the content shared by the models, regardless of the medium (media or file, for example), does not in any way imply that the customer has obtained a licence, a right of use, a right to the model's image or an assignment of copyright. In all cases, the model retains full ownership of the rights to the content shared.
The client only obtains a private right of use over the content shared by the model.
Similarly, any private file or media sent by the client to the model does not confer any rights on the model other than for strictly private use.
At the request of the model or the client, any file or media sent or shared must be destroyed.
The Client declares that he/she is aware that any infringement of the model's rights under the present article may give rise to civil or criminal liability towards the model and/or Escort-Plus.
Privacy Policy
The Escort-Plus Privacy Policy is an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions. By accepting them, the client also confirms that he/she has read them.
In addition to the personal data required for authentication and use of the platform, the user selects the data he/she wishes to communicate to advertisers under his/her own responsibility, in particular by using the private chat or webcam system.
The client is aware that the use of the Internet is under his/her own responsibility and supervision.
Access to services and distribution of profiles
Escort-Plus allows the distribution of user profiles and their consultation by third parties.
In order to use these services, the customer must create a specific free account and, if a subscription is chosen, pay the fee due in accordance with the subscription concerned. The amount of the fee and the services offered vary according to the type of subscription in question (tips, virtual gifts, the possibility of following one or more models, private discussions, private webcams, etc).
Escort-Plus is free to determine what content is accessible to customers who only have a user account and to those who also have a subscription.
The content of these subscriptions may be modified at any time by Escort-Plus.
The customer is warned that he/she may have access to content reserved exclusively for adults and declares that he/she accepts seeing or receiving such content.
The model may at any time, and at its own discretion, refuse to respond to a request from the Customer.
The client undertakes to refrain from any activity that could hinder the smooth running of the platform or that could in any way harm the character of its users, the model or Escort-Plus.
Purchases and payments
The customer is aware that any purchase of a subscription requires the communication to Escort-Plus of the personal data necessary to process the payment. This data is treated confidentially.
All financial transactions are carried out securely, and several payment options are available. The customer is informed that a pop-up page may appear to enable a secure connection for payment.
No direct transfer of money from the customer to the model can be made through Escort-Plus.
The customer may, however, allocate virtual gifts or send tips to the model, in accordance with the subscription chosen. Each credit corresponds to one Swiss franc. Tips cannot be converted into other currencies.
It is not possible to pass on tips or virtual gifts from the model to the customer.
Payment for a subscription does not confer any rights other than the right to consult the content obtained in return for payment.
Temporary or permanent interruption of services in the event of maintenance, force majeure, unforeseen circumstances, etc.
The Customer is aware that Escort-Plus must carry out maintenance. The client accepts that any temporary interruption of services for this purpose does not entitle the client to any compensation whatsoever.
Escort-Plus is not liable for temporary or permanent interruptions of its services in the event of force majeure, unforeseen circumstances, or due to the occurrence of any other unforeseeable event.
In all cases, access to the platform at all times is not guaranteed and its unavailability does not give any right to compensation of any kind.
Internet links
No internet link may be mentioned on the site without our express consent, and Escort-Plus accepts no responsibility in this respect.
Escort-Plus may, without prior notice, delete any external internet link which has not received our express authorisation and/or which is contrary to the platform's terms of use.
In such cases, Escort-Plus may also impose sanctions in accordance with Article 10 above.
Penalties in the event of illegal or irregular use of the platform
In the event of non-compliance with these GTC, Escort-Plus may, at its discretion, send the Client a warning or formal notice, setting a grace period at the end of which the Client must change any situation that is contrary to these GTC or, in any other way, contrary to the law.
Escort-Plus also reserves the right to suspend or even permanently delete the user account.
In assessing the seriousness of the offence and the consequences to be applied, Escort-Plus will consider in particular whether it is contrary to the applicable criminal provisions, and/or whether it infringes in any way on the personal and/or sexual freedom of the user or any other person.
In all cases, the fee remains payable in accordance with the conditions applicable to the current subscription.
Any User may report to Escort-Plus any inappropriate behaviour or content of a Profile, its User or Clients by sending a message to the e-mail address (customer@digital-life-network.com). In this case, Escort-Plus undertakes to intervene and attempt to resolve the dispute within 10 days.
Combating prostitution, sexual exploitation and/or trafficking in human beings
Escort-Plus assumes no responsibility for the actions or omissions of the client. Escort-Plus intends to provide users and clients with content based on respect for the human person and the principle of self-determination.
Thus, Escort-Plus fights against prostitution, sexual exploitation, human trafficking or any form of abuse that may result from a restriction on the free formation of will. Therefore, in addition to immediately deleting the account concerned, Escort-Plus will also report to the authorities any inappropriate content on this subject, in particular any content inciting such behaviour.
The liability of Escort-Plus, respectively Digital life Network SA, of its managers, auxiliaries or employees is excluded, except in the case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on their part. This limitation of liability extends to all obligations of Escort-Plus towards the Client, including but not limited to access, availability and use of the website or electronic communications necessary for the execution of payments (suspension or interruption of services).
Advertisements published by models on the Escort-Plus site are made under their sole responsibility. Escort-Plus accepts no liability in this respect.
The client agrees not to attempt to hold Escort-Plus responsible for the content of the advertisements or their use by a third party.
Duty to notify
The client is obliged to notify Escort-Plus in writing of any malfunction of the website or any claim against Escort-Plus within ten days of becoming aware of the malfunction.
Safeguard clause
The invalidity of any of the clauses of these GCU shall have no effect on the other provisions.
Modification of the General Terms and Conditions
The Customer is aware and accepts that Escort-Plus may unilaterally modify the present General Terms and Conditions. Each modification will be brought to the client's attention by a pop-up window when the client connects to the platform again. If the Customer continues to use the platform, the amendment will be deemed to have been approved immediately.
Billing and refunds
The duration of the customer's subscription is defined from the outset. Subscriptions are not available on a trial basis. Subscriptions are not tacitly renewed and it is up to the user to take out a new subscription when it expires. No refund is possible if the user wishes to terminate his subscription before the expiry date or for any other reason by virtue of which the subscription initially taken out would no longer be wanted by the user.
Prohibition on communication of identification data
The communication of the client's authentication data, in particular his login (password and user account) to any third party is prohibited and may give rise, at Escort-Plus's discretion, to the immediate deletion of the client's account, without further warning, compensation or reimbursement.
Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
All contractual relations between the Client and Escort-Plus are subject to Swiss law.
Any disputes must be referred to the ordinary courts at the domicile of Digital life Network SA.